

My work day usually starts at 7:00am. We do this to get a couple of hours in before the sun gets really hot. I work with some fellows building custom home in the Florida Keys. Also the workday ends at 3:00pm and there is still a lot of day left for other activities.

So I am often sitting on the front porch tying up my boots. (Insert favorite Billy Madison quote: “I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight.” I actually think that on a regular basis.) Back to the front porch, sometimes I am a little early so I sit there and finish my second cup of coffee.

And lately the sun has slowly illuminated the world as I sit looking at the trees. Amazing thing about the morning sun, it is not like switching on the light in a house. The light comes softly, on tiptoes. One doesn’t really notice unless you are actually paying attention to it. Several times this past week, I realized that when I sat down it was dark and then as I got up it was light.

For several mornings now I have paid attention to the slow, steady illumination. Try as I might I can not perceive the light only notice the change by comparing it to the previous minute. Now this may be due to my lack of focus, but I really think it is the nature of morning light.

It has also struck me that this is how God has operated in my life. Time after time, I observe that I recognize more of his light but can not really elaborate upon the process of change it just happens. As the Sun’s morning light appears almost inconceivably thus has God revealed himself to me.

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