
A Tribute

It comes in a plastic wrapped brick and is consumed by more than 100 million people per day, but surprisingly few people gave a second thought to the man who invented ramen noodles.
Momofuku Ando, or Mr. Noodle as he is more affectionately known, has died. He passed on January 5 at 96.
In 1958 Ando was looking for cheap but good food for the working class when he invented ramen noodles. The noodles – fried, dried, and sold curbside – turned his company, Nissin Foods, into a global giant and have served more cups of noodles than McDonalds has served hamburgers.
My own son may not have survived his teens without the sustaining of ramen noodles. Perhaps the only thing he could cook himself. (Sorry to take a cheap shot, Andrew.)

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