
Consider This

Consider this from journey through willzhead blog

Please pray for Ted Haggard and his family -
Even if you do not agree with all of his politics, he is in the middle of a private hell that most of us cannot relate to. This is true whether the allegations are confirmed or not.
Don't rejoice with either outcome - I
find too many people, even some in the Church, hoping for one outcome or the other. Sadly, even my first reaction was to take sides. But love does not delight in evil. Period. If these allegations turn out to be true, how sad. If they are false, how sad. I pray we have the conviction to think this way.
Pray for Haggard's successor at the NAE -
While Ted Haggard is stepping aside from his church temporarily, it appears that he has resigned permanently from the National Association of Evangelicals. And, while I was not a fan of all his politics, Haggard was nonetheless a champion for the environment and human rights, and expressed openness on the issue of domestic partnership benefits for homosexuals. I fear a conservative backlash within the NAE to this incident, whatever the outcome.

Good stuff.

From a Desert Father:

Abba Mios was asked by a soldier whether God would forgive a sinner. After instructing him at some length, the old man asked him: Tell me, my beloved, if your cloak were torn, would you throw it away? Oh, no! he replied; I would mend it and wear it again. The old man said to him: Well, if you care for your cloak, will not God show mercy to his own creature?

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